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    3 Tips to make your Tender stand out


    3 Tips to make your Tender stand out | 29 Dec, 2020

    3 Tips to make your Tender stand out

    Hundreds or even thousands of bids are made when a government department releases a tender notification. Out of all of those, only a handful tenders are even worth considering for a tender provider. That means it is crucial to make your tender documentstand out in the crowd during tender submission. Unfortunately, presentation of tender proposals is one of the things that are often overlooked by many people. It feels unimportant to them to make the presentation interesting if the tender document itself stands tall.

    It is a well-known fact that an evaluator would judge a document based on merit but it is also understandable that he might favour the document which is well formatted. It is the presentation of your tender that will catch his eye and make him understand how good you are with your work.

    Let’s look at some useful tips to make your tender document presentable:

    • Self-Promotion: Don’t shy away from saying your achievements out loud. The evaluator might not even have heard of your organization. Let him know how good an organization you have. Include these points to do it effectively.
      • Staff Qualification
      • Recent Projects
      • Past Achievements
      • Resources you have
    • Presentation of Evidences: These are material from testimonies of your contractors. Present them in your bid in a visual format like images and charts to help strengthen your bid. Attach relevant case studies, strategies, and past work examples in the document.
    • Attention to Smaller Details:This might come off as trivial but it really makes the difference. Your document must:
      • Provide relevant answers to all the Questions
      • Has to be within the character and word limit
      • Show the value in the specific price criteria
      • Be grammaticalerror free in the final submission

    These are the very fine points which are needed to be considered while submitting a bid for tender. If you feel this might be too much for you to handle, let the professionals do it for you. Contact National Tenders for an effective tender document now.

    Link: https://www.nationaltenders.com/3-tips-to-make-tender-stand-out